Telesales Lady Interview Questions And Answers

Elevate your Telesales Lady interview readiness with our detailed compilation of 48 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Telesales Lady interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Get the free PDF download to access all 48 questions and excel in your Telesales Lady interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.

48 Telesales Lady Questions and Answers:

Telesales Lady Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:

Telesales Lady Job Interview Questions and Answers
Telesales Lady Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Tell me what's your greatest weakness as Telesales Lady?

This question is a great opportunity to take a negative and turn it into a positive. It's among the most common interview questions and for that reason, it's also known for evoking some of the most cliché responses. Saying something like, “My biggest weakness is that I never give up on closing a sale,” won't come across genuine or honest.

To answer this question, think of a true weakness—you get stressed out easily, or your habit of multitasking can lead to distraction. Then, give specific examples as to how you're making an effort to strengthen these weaknesses. This will show the interviewer that you're honest—and when you recognize a weakness, you know how to take action to fix it.
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2 :: Can you tell us how Would You Make A Cold Call To Generate A Lead?

Turning a cold call into lead is not easy but it is not impossible either. If handled with the right motivation and skill a cold call can be changed into a lead. It can actually be put down as the way that cold calls are perceived by the person making the call and the fear of failure.

The key should be to back track for a moment and then offer what you have when you have completely understood what is the landscape of the situation. Always step in with a positive attitude as for this situation it is very important.
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3 :: Please explain what Are The Techniques That Help Build The Trust Of The Caller?

The following techniques help you build the trust of the customer on the other end of the telephone.

☛ Speak confidently
☛ Take control of the situation
☛ Show genuine interest
☛ Go above and beyond the call of duty
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4 :: Tell us suppose you Just Called A Customer. What Are The Steps You Will Follow During The Call?

When making a call to a customer the call should be directed in the following way:
☛ 1. Greet customer politely.
☛ 2. Introduce yourself to the customer.
☛ 3. Make clear the objective of the call
► ☛ Who are you calling?
► ☛ What are you calling for?
☛ 4. Give complete information of the product or business you are promoting.
☛ 5. Make the customer understand how the objective of the call can be beneficial for him/her.
☛ 6. Close the call with a warm end note.
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5 :: Can you explain me what is Spamming?

Random bulk messages used for telemarketing purposes are called spam and the process is termed as spamming
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6 :: Can you explain me what is Auto dialer?

Telemarketing industries generally use an electronic device or a software to automatically dial phone numbers. These devices and softwares are called autodialers.
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7 :: Explain me what is cold calling?

Cold calling is the process in which customers are called for business interaction who have not been expecting so.
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8 :: Tell me what Can I Do If I Continue To Get Unwanted Calls?

Telemarketing calls made to a number which has been listed on the federal registry for three months, or which are on a company's “Do Not Call” list, violate Vermont law.

If you get a call from a telemarketer that violates Vermont law, you have the right to sue the telemarketer for actual damages or $500 for a first violation ($1,000 for each subsequent violation), whichever is greater.
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9 :: Tell us how Many Calls Will Be Made A Day?

A good telemarketer will make between 100 and 115 calls a day, depending on the level of decision maker you can Expect between 20 and 45 decision maker contacts a day.
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10 :: Tell me why do you want to work in sales?

The biggest mistake you can make when answering this question is to simply say, “Because I like it,” or worse, “Because the money is good.” This doesn't really tell the interviewer anything they couldn't have obviously guessed—and it certainly doesn't help to set you apart from other candidates.

Successfully answer this tough question by focusing on your sales history. Think back to when your passion first began. Was it because of a summer job? Or maybe it started as early as childhood. Briefly illustrate this passion with real-life examples and include a success story, if possible. Then tie it in to why you still want to work in sales. Employers will take note of this longstanding drive and remember your answer because of your personal story.
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11 :: Tell us what Do You Understand By B2b, B2c And B2g?

B2B stands for business to business which describes commercial transactions between businesses such as between a web development firm and a reseller. Such transactions are big in volume and thus b2b is flourishing today the most.

B2C stands for business to consumer and describes transaction between business and consumer. It can be best explained by defining retail in which tangible goods are sold from stores or fixed location directly to the consumer.

B2G stands for business to government and is a derivative of B2B and is described as transaction between business and government in which a business entity supplies services or goods to a government sector or firm and can be stated as public sector marketing.
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12 :: Can you explain what Are The Disclosures Required In Telemarketing?

There are a few disclosures which are must before a person engages in telemarketing. Listed below are a list of things that need to be disclosed.

☛ 1. Disclosure of identity on behalf of which the call is made at the starting of the call in a polite and fair manner.
☛ 2. There should be a proper description of the product or business being put forward.
☛ 3. The price and terms and conditions related to the product should be made very clear.
☛ 4. Any other information related to the product prescribed should be conveyed.
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13 :: Please explain how Can A Call Be Made Successful?

Following tips can help in make a call successful :

☛ 1. Make sure the first impression of the call is good as it is very important for the rest of the call.
☛ 2. Be professional yet courteous.
☛ 3. It is very important to be a dedicated to a call, the opposite can be sensed very easily on a call.
☛ 4. Clear the objective of the call before you make one.
☛ 5. At times it is important not to sell over the phone instead connect with the customer and make the deal in the business place.
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14 :: Can you tell us what Are The Characteristics That Distinguish Direct Marketing?

Following are the characteristics that distinguish direct marketing:

☛ 1. The customers are pre targeted.
☛ 2. Customers are addressed directly.
☛ 3. The response of direct marketing is scalable.
☛ 4. The whole process is action driven.
☛ 5. Independent of business size.
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15 :: Tell me do you know who Will Make The Calls?

Depending on experience we will put out best telemarketer on every job, and they will stay on it until the campaign finish's or a decision is made to move another person on to it depending on level of success both good and bad.
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16 :: Explain me what Will Be Said On The Phone?

After some initial consultation with the client we will come up with a script. The reason for this is synergy! This way the client knows what we are saying and they are happy with the anthesis we are putting onto certain areas of the conversation, that the qualification questions we are asking are correct, and through calling we will make minor changes depending on what response we are recieving.
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17 :: Explain me how Do I Know When I Have Zapped Someone?

If you answer your telephone and there's no one there, the odds are that you just "zapped" a telemarketer. After a few weeks, you'll notice that you are receiving fewer and fewer of these calls.
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18 :: Explain me how Do The Results Of Telemarketing Compare With Mail Shots?

Mail shots are a cheap way of achieving few results. Usually about a 1-3% response is achieved in any area where mail shots are used. Often, mail shots are not seen by the real decision maker. Compare this to Telemarketing or mail shot that is followed with Telemarketing and which focuses on the decision maker. This ensures that a response is achieved from each call and produces positive results ranging from 15-50% in many projects, depending on the product or service.

If these result percentages are compared financially, telemarketing achieves the best returns on investment when used to promote the right products or services.
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19 :: Tell us how Large Is Marketing Connections?

By design, Marketing Connections maintains a call center operation consisting of 75 workstations with room for controlled expansion.
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20 :: Explain me why did you leave your last job as Telesales Lady?

This is a tricky question. Thoughtfully explaining why you left your last job will tell the employer a lot about your personality. You've likely left, or are thinking about leaving, your last sales job because it wasn't a good fit or because you didn't like the work environment, the pay, or management. Though they may be truthful answers, all of these reasons carry a negative connotation and will pull down the mood of the interview. First, state something positive about your last job. Maybe you learned a lot or enjoyed the people you worked with. Then, shift the focus of why you left by talking about what you're looking for in your next job that your past job didn't have. This might be more responsibility, relocation, or a different company culture. This will present your past work experience in a positive light and compliment the position for which you're interviewing.
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21 :: Please explain do You Think Unwanted Marketing Should Be A Crime?

Unwanted marketing is a crime by the law but one can opt out of it by filing a petition or a request in court. Only some firms are exempted from this law. To avoid unwanted marketing one can file a request in the court to be in the list of numbers which are not to be called by telemarketing firms.

I personally think that one should not barge into somebody’s private space causing any form of inconvenience to the end user. Telemarketing should be handled more responsibly to avoid such situations and maintain standards of marketing and not degrade them.
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22 :: Tell us can you list Some Of The Effective Listening Strategies That Would Be Helpful In The Telemarketing Industry.?

For survival in the telemarketing industry it is extremely essential that one possesses or acquires the ability to effectively listen and comprehend.

Some of the effective listening strategies are as follows:

☛ Understanding yourself
☛ Being yourself
☛ Never losing the personal touch
☛ Your attitude
☛ Be willing to listen
☛ Setting personal goals
☛ Being motivated
☛ Listening actively
☛ Paying attention
☛ Asking questions
☛ Sending appropriate feedback.
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23 :: Tell us why Buy A Telezapper Instead Of Letting My Answering Machine Or Caller Id Screen Telemarketing Calls?

The TeleZapper is the only product that emits a signal that "tells" predictive dialer computers your number is disconnected. Unlike answering machines or caller ID, once the TeleZapper's tone is emitted, your number is removed from the computer's call list. So, as time passes, you'll receive fewer and fewer annoying telemarketing calls. If the computer gets your answering machine, your number is put back into the database to be called again and again … and again.

Most telemarketing calls show up on Caller ID as "out of area" or "private". But since many callers are identified in these ways, it's difficult to know who's calling and whether or not you want to pick up the phone. The TeleZapper really is a better solution to keep telemarketers out!
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24 :: Tell me what Are The Factors That Contribute To Projecting A Positive Image Of Yourself To The Customer?

In the telemarketing industry it is critical that you know how to use your voice and choose your words to project a positive image while placing or taking a call. Factors that impact image over the telephone are:

☛ Vocal quality
☛ Vocal tone
☛ Rate of speech
☛ Pitch of the tone
☛ Attitude
☛ Body language
☛ Use of appropriate words
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25 :: Tell us what Will You Do When A Customer Needs To Be Put On Hold But Is Not Agreeing To It?

Many times the customer on the end line objects to be put on hold as he fears to be kept long on hold, in such situations following tips can be helpful :

☛ 1. Request the customer that it is important that he is put on hold. Make sure this is conveyed in a very polite way.
☛ 2. Clear out the objective due to which the line needs to be put on hold.
☛ 3. If the customer is very persistent on being on line as a co employee to retrieve the information that requires you to put the line on hold. During this be on line and keep the customer attended.
☛ 4. You can also ask the customer to disconnect the line for now and that you will give him a call back.
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