Statics Interview Questions And Answers

Sharpen your Statics interview expertise with our handpicked 32 questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Statics. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Download the free PDF to have all 32 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure you're interview-ready.

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Statics Job Interview Questions and Answers
Statics Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Which one of the following variables is not categorical?

► a) Age of a person
► b) Gender of a person: male or female
► c) Choice on a test item: true or false
► d) Marital status of a person (single, married, divorced, other)

Answer - a
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2 :: Which of the following would be most likely to produce selection bias in a survey?

► a) Using questions with biased wording
► b) Only receiving responses from half of the people in the sample
► c) Conducting interviews by telephone instead of in person
► d) Using a random sample of students at a university to estimate the proportion of people who think the legal drinking age should be lowered

Answer - d
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3 :: What is one of the distinctions between a population parameter and a sample statistic?

► a) A population parameter is only based on conceptual measurements, but a sample statistic is based on a combination of real and conceptual measurements.
► b) A sample statistic changes each time you try to measure it, but a population parameter Remains fixed
► c) A population parameter changes each time you try to measure it, but a sample statistic remains fixed across samples
► d) The true value of a sample statistic can never be known but the true value of a population parameter can be known.

Answer - b
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4 :: If a statistically significant difference in blood pressure, change at the end of a year for the two activities was found, then?

► a) It cannot be concluded that the difference in activity caused a difference in the change in blood pressure because in the course of a year there are many possible confounding Variables
► b) Whether or not the difference was caused by the difference in activity depends on what Else, the participants did during the year.
► c) It cannot be concluded that the difference in activity caused a difference in the change in blood pressure because it might be the opposite, which the people with high blood pressure were more likely to read a book than to walk
► d) It can be concluded that the difference in activity caused a difference in the change in Blood pressure because of the way the study was done.

Answer - d
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5 :: The two treatments in this study were?

► a) Walking for half an hour three times a week and reading a book for half an hour three Times a week
► b) Having blood pressure measured at the beginning of the study and having blood pressure measured at the end of the study.
► c) Walking or reading a book for half an hour three times a week and having blood pressure measured
► d) Walking or reading a book for half an hour three times a week and doing nothing.

Answer - a
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6 :: Scenario: A randomized experiment was done by randomly assigning each participant either to walk for half an hour three times a week or to sit quietly reading a book for half an hour three times a week. At the end of a year, the change in Participants blood pressure over the year was measured, and the change was compared for the two groups.?

This is a randomized experiment rather than an observational study because:

► a) Blood pressure was measured at the beginning and end of the study.
► b) The two groups were compared at the end of the study.
► c) The participants were randomly assigned to either walk or read, rather than choosing Their own activity
► d) A random sample of participants was used.

Answer - c
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7 :: Which of the following is a confounding variable in this study?

► a) Exercise
► b) Lung capacity
► c) Smoking or not
► d) Occupation

Answer - a
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8 :: Scenario: A study was done to compare the lung capacity of coal miners to the lung capacity of farm workers. The researcher studied 200 workers of each type. Other factors that might affect lung capacity are smoking habits and exercise habits. The smoking habits of the two worker types are similar, but the coal miners generally exercise less than the farm workers do?

Which of the following is the explanatory variable in this study?

► a) Exercise
► b) Lung capacity
► c) Smoking or not
► d) Occupation

Answer - d
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9 :: A polling agency conducted a survey of 100 doctors on the question “Are you willing to treat women patients with the recently approved pill RU-486”. The conservative margin of error associated with the 95% confidence interval for the percent who say yes is?

* a) 50%
* b) 10%
* c) 5%
* d) 2%

Answer - b
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10 :: Which one of these statistics is unaffected by outliers?

* a) Mean
* b) Inter-quartile range
* c) Standard deviation
* d) Range

Answer - b
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11 :: A list of 5 pulse rates is: 70, 64, 80, 74, 92. What is the median for this list?

* a) 74
* b) 76
* c) 77
* d) 80

Answer - a
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12 :: Which of the following would indicate that a dataset is not bell-shaped?

* a) The range is equal to 5 standard deviations.
* b) The range is larger than the inter-quartile range.
* c) The mean is much smaller than the median.
* d) There are no outliers.

Answer - c
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13 :: A scatter plot of number of teachers and number of people with college degrees for cities in California reveals a positive association. The most likely explanation for this positive Association is?

* a) Teachers encourage people to get college degrees, so an increase in the number of teachers is causing an increase in the number of people with college degrees.
* b) Larger cities tend to have both more teachers and more people with college degrees, so the association is explained by a third variable, the size of the city.
* c) Teaching is a common profession for people with college degrees, so an increase in the number of people with college degrees causes an increase in the number of teachers.
* d) Cities with higher incomes tend to have more teachers and more people going to college, so income is a confounding variable, making causation between number of teachers and number of people with college degrees difficult to prove

Answer - b
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14 :: The value of a correlation is reported by a researcher to be r = -0.5. Which of the following statements is correct?

* a) The x-variable explains 25% of the variability in the y-variable.
* b) The x-variable explains 25% of the variability in the y-variable.
* c) The x-variable explains 50% of the variability in the y-variable.
* d) The x-variable explains 50% of the variability in the y-variable.

Answer - a
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15 :: What is the effect of an outlier on the value of a correlation coefficient?

* a) An outlier will always decrease a correlation coefficient.
* b) An outlier will always increase a correlation coefficient.
* c) An outlier might either decrease or increase a correlation coefficient, depending on where it is in relation to the other points
* d) An outlier will have no effect on a correlation coefficient.

Answer - c
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16 :: One use of a regression line is?

* a) To determine if any x-values are outliers
* b) To determine if any y-values are outliers
* c) To determine if a change in x causes a change in y.
* d) To estimate the change in y for a one-unit change in x.

Answer - d
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17 :: Past data has shown that the regression line relating the final exam score and the midterm exam score for students who take statistics from a certain professor is: Final exam = 50 + 0.5 × midterm. One interpretation of the slope is?

* a) A student who scored 0 on the midterm would be predicted to score 50 on the final exam.
* b) A student who scored 0 on the final exam would be predicted to score 50 on the mid term exam
* c) A student who scored 10 points higher than another student on the midterm would be predicted to score 5 points higher than the other student, did on the final exam
* d) Students only receive half as much credit (.5) for a correct answer on the final exam compared to a correct answer on the midterm exam

Answer - c
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18 :: Scenario: A survey asked people how often they exceed speed limits. The data are then categorized into the following contingency table of counts showing the relationship between age group and response.

Exceed Limit if Possible Age Always Not Always Total

Under 30 100 100 200

Over 30 40 160 200

Total 140 260 400

Among people with age over 30, what is the risk of always exceeding the speed limit?

* a) 0.20
* b) 0.40
* c) 0.33
* d) 0.50

Answer - a
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19 :: Among people with age under 30 what are the odds that they always exceed the speed limit?

* a) 1 to 2
* b) 2 to 1
* c) 1 to 1
* d) 50%

Answer - c
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20 :: people over 30?

* a) 2.5
* b) 0.4
* c) 0.5
* d) 30%

Answer - a
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21 :: Scenario: A newspaper article reported, Children who routinely compete in vigorous after-school sports on smoggy days are three times more likely to get asthma than their non-athletic peers. (Sacramento Bee, Feb 1, 2002, p. A1) Of the following, which is the most important additional information that would be useful before making a decision about participation in school sports?

* a) Where was the study conducted?
* b) How many students in the study participated in after-school sports?
* c) What is the baseline risk for getting asthma?
* d) Who funded the study?

Answer - c
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22 :: The newspaper also reported, The number of children in the study who contracted asthma was relatively small Answer - 265 of 3,535. From this information and the information given in the original quote, which of the following could not be computed?

* a) The baseline risk of getting asthma without participating in after-school sports
* b) The overall risk of getting asthma for the children in this study
* c) The relative risk of getting asthma for children who routinely participate in vigorous after-school sports on smoggy days and their non-athletic peers.
* d) All of the above could be computed

Answer - a
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23 :: Scenario: The following histogram shows the distribution of the difference between the actual and “ideal” weights for 119 female students. Notice that percent is given on the vertical axis. Ideal weights are responses to the question “What is your ideal weight”. The difference = actual -ideal.

What is the approximate shape of the distribution?

* a) Nearly symmetric
* b) Skewed to the left
* c) Skewed to the right
* d) Bimodal (has more than one peak).

Answer - c
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24 :: The median of the distribution is approximately?

* a) -10 pounds
* b) 10 pounds
* c) 30 pounds
* d) 50 pounds

Answer - b
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25 :: Most of the women in this sample felt that their actual weight was?

* a) About the same as their ideal weight
* b) less than their ideal weight.
* c) greater than their ideal weight.
* d) No more than 2 pounds different from their ideal weight

Answer - c
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