Procurement Manager Interview Questions And Answers
Optimize your Procurement Manager interview preparation with our curated set of 90 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Procurement Manager interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Download the free PDF now to get all 90 questions and ensure you're well-prepared for your Procurement Manager interview. This resource is perfect for in-depth preparation and boosting your confidence.
90 Procurement Manager Questions and Answers:
Procurement Manager Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:
1 :: Suppose I Would Like Special Markings On My Supplies. Is This Possible?
Yes. Please inform us if you have any special requirements, when you request the Cost Estimate, and before the deposit of funds as this can influence the pricing information.
Read More2 :: Suppose I Have A Family Member Who Is A Supplier To The University. What Should I Do?
You need to declare this on the personal interest form and must ensure that the University is notified of this whenever any business dealings may be impacted by this relationship.
Read More3 :: Explain me what Is Value For Money?
Value for money is a detailed and complex evaluation that takes place to review the value that the University will derive from a purchase, whether that is additional value in terms of additional warranty, additional functionality, energy consumption, whole life costs, total cost of ownership or the price that will be paid.
Read More4 :: Explain me why Do Evaluation Criteria Need To Be Agreed In Advance?
In EU tenders, there is a legal requirement that selection and award criteria are notified to suppliers in the notice and documentation, so they understand the importance that we have placed on each section. In non-EU tenders, it is still good practice to do this.
Read More5 :: Suppose I Am Having Problems With A Supplier. What Do I Need To Do?
Please contact the Procurement Service to discuss. There are several options available, each of them will be discussed with you, but could include a formal letter to the supplier detailing issues, formal meeting with agenda to discuss issues, or, in extreme cases, notification to the supplier of breach of contract. The Procurement Service will be in the best position to provide advice.
Read More6 :: Tell me how Do I Get A Supplier Added To Oracle For Tendering?
Please review the supplier process.
Read More7 :: Tell me why Does It Take So Long To Do An Eu Tender?
There are timescales stipulated within the legislation that relate to the time the supplier has to review and submit documents. These timescales are deemed to be reasonable. The remainder of the time is linked to the process that the University undertakes in order to ensure a fair process and correct award. This would be undertaken regardless of whether it was an EU tender or not.
Read More8 :: Tell me does It Not Cost More To Buy Something Sustainable?
We have proven through proactive contract management and engagement with suppliers that sustainable procurement does not need to cost more, and can often cost less.
Read More9 :: Tell us what process do you go through when conducting a sourcing initiative?
The Next Level Purchasing Association’s “10 Phase Approach to World-Class Sourcing” has become a globally-used best practice for conducting a sourcing initiative in the most organized, effective manner.
Read More10 :: Explain me have you used a vendor management software?
Vendor management software can be an excellent resource for supporting all of the processes that every procurement department should be doing: keeping track of vendor performance metrics, drawing attention to sub-par vendor performance, and identifying opportunities for vendor performance improvement.
Read More11 :: Explain me if a department wants to order equipment that’s beyond budget, what would you do?
There are many options available for handling a request to make a purchase that exceeds an internal customer’s budget. Refusing to place the order is only one – and possibly the least professional – approach to take. One option that can be explored with the internal customer is leasing the equipment instead of buying it.
Read More12 :: Do you know what is risk management?
Simplified, risk management is the process of identifying things that can go wrong, having a plan for handling those things if they do go wrong, and executing that plan. Procurement risk management is risk management applied to handling things that can interrupt the incoming flow of purchased goods and services and the costs thereof.
Read More13 :: Tell us as an in procurement, what would you say is the difference between strategic sourcing and Purchase?
One of the key difference of Strategic Sourcing in contrast to conventional purchasing is that it extends beyond purchasing and focuses on converging and sustaining the buyer-supplier-relationships (Skjøtt-Larsen & Schary, 2001). The objective is to leverage them, exploit their capabilities, integrate and complement the core competencies of the various partners in the supply chain (interdependence) so as to provide value and cost efficiencies and uniqueness for the customer.
Read More14 :: Tell us what Is The Objective Of Unicef Procurement Services?
The objective of Procurement Services is to offer UNICEF's knowledge, purchasing capacity and logistics expertise to development partners, so that they can use their own financial resources and donor funds to procure life-saving essential supplies for children. Procurement Services is an integrated component of UNICEF’s country programmes of cooperation and has become an important entry point for UNICEF in helping countries to strengthen their national capacity in planning for supply needs, selection of supplies and equipment and their effective delivery and distribution. Procurement Services is designed as a transitional mechanism for Governments until national public and private supply systems can effectively perform their role.
Read More15 :: Explain me how Are The Funds Transferred By A Procurement Services Partner Recorded And Managed By Unicef?
With the exception of Handling Fees, UNICEF does not take title to funds paid to UNICEF by Procurement Services partners. In general, funds transferred by Procurement Services partners are treated as trust funds by UNICEF and are to be used exclusively to implement the Procurement Services arrangement entered into with the partner.
Read More16 :: Tell me what Is The Difference Between Standard And Non-standard Mous And Who Must Approve And Sign A Mou?
A standard MOU has a fixed, pre-determined text which has been approved by the Director of Supply Division (SD) and cannot be changed in areas other than designated entry fields. Standard MOUs are signed between the partner and UNICEF Representatives in Country Offices, or in instances where there is no Country Office presence, with SD Director.
A non-standard MOU is an MOU in which text or format other than the designated entry fields has been changed and is prepared in order to meet specific requests or needs of the customer which are not addressed in the standard MOU. Non-standard MOUs are approved by the SD Director on a case-by-case basis, and are signed between the partner and UNICEF Representatives in Country Offices, or in instances where there is no Country Office presence, with SD Director. UNICEF Representatives in Country Offices may sign a non-standard MOU only upon prior written delegation of signing authority by the SD Director.
Read MoreA non-standard MOU is an MOU in which text or format other than the designated entry fields has been changed and is prepared in order to meet specific requests or needs of the customer which are not addressed in the standard MOU. Non-standard MOUs are approved by the SD Director on a case-by-case basis, and are signed between the partner and UNICEF Representatives in Country Offices, or in instances where there is no Country Office presence, with SD Director. UNICEF Representatives in Country Offices may sign a non-standard MOU only upon prior written delegation of signing authority by the SD Director.
17 :: Suppose My Purchase Is From Grant Funding. Do The University’s Procedures Still Apply?
Regardless of the source of funding, the money is classed as public money, so University procedures and legislation will apply.
Read More18 :: Explain me what Happens If I Realise I Have Missed Something From The Specification After The Tender Document Has Been Issued But Before The Tender Documents Have Been Received From Suppliers?
This needs to be discussed with the Procurement Service who will be able to advice on the best course of action. It may be necessary to re-issue the tender, or in the case of an EU tender, re-advertise.
Read More19 :: Tell us why Does Financial Approval Take Place After The Sourcing In Acquire But Before On The Paper Based System?
This is because the actual cost is being approved in the electronic system acquiring. It is therefore important to ensure your approver is happy for you to place the requisition, to save them rejecting it after the sourcing has taken place.
Read More20 :: Suppose I Am Out In The Field And Am Unable To Seek Approval From My Approver, What Do I Do?
If possible, contact the approver by telephone or email asking for approval and complete the purchase card authorization form as soon as you are able.
Read More21 :: As you know I Am Not Sure Of The Exact Spending For My Requirement, But It Is Likely To Be Close To £170k. Does This Need To Be An Eu Tender?
As the limit is so close to the threshold set in the legislation, it would be appropriate to treat this as an EU tender. Failure to do so may result in the tender having to be aborted if costs escalated over the EU threshold.
Read More22 :: Suppose I Have Items That I Wish To Remove From My College Or Department. What Do I Need To Do?
You will need to complete the appropriate Sold Note or Gifts of Second Hand Goods and Materials form in compliance with the appropriate procedure.
Read More23 :: Tell us how do you define cost savings in a way that will be embraced by executive management ?
Historically, there has been a gap between what procurement professionals consider to be “cost savings” and what executive management considers to be cost savings. You see, executive management uses standard financial statements as their “scorecard” for the business. Some procurement professionals have never made an effort to understand how financial statements work. Therefore, they have a difficult time reporting cost savings in a way that people using financial statements will consider legitimate. To define cost savings in a way that will be embraced by executive management, you need to communicate cost savings in a way that can be reconciled with data on the organization’s official financial statements using the “language of accounting.”
Read More24 :: Explain me are you familiar with UCC (Uniform Commercial Code)?
If you operate in the United States and purchase goods from US suppliers, you should be familiar with the UCC. It is the body of law that covers the purchase and sale of goods within the US above a certain monetary threshold.
Read More25 :: Do you know which are the key procurement metrics?
Every organization has different goals and different situations. Therefore, the optimal procurement metrics for one organization may not be the optimal procurement metrics for another organization. That being said, there are 10 Procurement Key Performance Indicators that all procurement departments should consider including in their metrics. Of course, some of these may not apply and others that are not mention should be included. Therefore, please consider these metrics more of a starting point for ideas than a standard set of metrics:
☛ Cost savings
☛ Managed spend as a percentage of total spend
☛ Cost savings as a percentage of managed spend
☛ Procurement operating costs as a percentage of managed spend
☛ Return on investment
☛ Percent of on-time supplier deliveries
☛ Supplier defect rate
☛ Customer satisfaction
☛ Procurement cycle time
☛ Value of supplier idea implementation
Read More☛ Cost savings
☛ Managed spend as a percentage of total spend
☛ Cost savings as a percentage of managed spend
☛ Procurement operating costs as a percentage of managed spend
☛ Return on investment
☛ Percent of on-time supplier deliveries
☛ Supplier defect rate
☛ Customer satisfaction
☛ Procurement cycle time
☛ Value of supplier idea implementation