Biztalk Orchestration Interview Questions And Answers
Strengthen your Biztalk Orchestration interview skills with our collection of 50 important questions. Each question is crafted to challenge your understanding and proficiency in Biztalk Orchestration. Suitable for all skill levels, these questions are essential for effective preparation. Get the free PDF download to access all 50 questions and excel in your Biztalk Orchestration interview. This comprehensive guide is essential for effective study and confidence building.
50 Biztalk Orchestration Questions and Answers:
Biztalk Orchestration Job Interview Questions Table of Contents:
1 :: Explain me where is information about promoted properties stored?
The information about the promoted properties is extracted and stored in the bts_DocumentSpec table in the Management database.
Read More2 :: Tell us types of messages?
Two types of message
☛ Typed message : A message created in Orchestration is bound to the schema
☛ Untyped message : A message is bound to System.Xml.XmlDocument instead of the schema.
Read More☛ Typed message : A message created in Orchestration is bound to the schema
☛ Untyped message : A message is bound to System.Xml.XmlDocument instead of the schema.
3 :: Please explain what is XLANG and where it is used?
XLANG/s can be viewed as a messaging language with some of the expression capabilities of C#. However, code is not portable between XLANG/s and C#. The language is used for orchestrations. XLANG/s statements generally fall into one of two categories: simple statements that act on their own, such as receive or send, and complex statements that contain or group either simple statements or other complex statements, such as scope, parallel, and listen. The semantics embodied in XLANG/s are a reflection of those defined in the Business Process Execution Language for Web Services (BPEL4WS) specification published by Microsoft, IBM, and BEA for the definition of business process semantics.
Read More4 :: Tell me can orchestration use components other than listed in Toolbox?
Yes. It is possible to use components like pipeline, business rule policy, .net component etc.
Read More5 :: Explain me what are the ways to add properties in context?
Promoting a node to a property field means to make a node value available in the context of the message. Adapters and pipeline components write in the context.
Read More6 :: Tell me which scope can have an Exception Handling?
A scope configured with the transaction type of None or Long running can have exception handling added but not Atomic scope.
Read More7 :: Tell us can persistence point occur in the Delay or Receive shape?
Yes, but only if the Orchestration Engine determines that the instance needs to be dehydrated.
Read More8 :: Please explain what is a link in a Map?
A link specifies the basic function of copying data from an element or attribute in an input instance message to an element or attribute in an output instance. You create links between records and fields in the source and destination schemas at design time. This drives the creation, at run time, of an output instance message conforming to the destination schema from an input instance message conforming to the source schema.
Read More9 :: Tell us can I use System.Messaging on the BizTalk machine having MSMQT installed?
Using System.Messaging on the Biztalk machine will not work; this is because System.Messaging needs MSMQ. I.e., you need to install the MSMQ client part to have System.Messaging work.
Read More10 :: Please explain how does Orchestration subscribes to messages?
In Orchestration, the first Receive shape is responsible for creating a subscription. Following two properties are involved in it,
☛ Message : This tells what message this Orchestration is subscribing to
☛ Activate : This tells to consume the message when found in a MessageBox
Read More☛ Message : This tells what message this Orchestration is subscribing to
☛ Activate : This tells to consume the message when found in a MessageBox
11 :: Explain me is it necessary for all .Net components being called from orchestration to be serializable?
Yes it is necessary (good practice) for all .Net components being called to be serializable. If not then Atomic scope is to be used which has its own limits.
Read More12 :: Tell us is it possible to enforce Orchestration to behave in singleton way?
Yes it is possible with the help of correlation.
Read More13 :: Tell me what are conditional persistence points?
The Receive shape, Listen Branch and Delay shape are conditional persistence points.
Read More14 :: Tell me is it possible to use Message Assignment shape and Transform shape individually?
No, it is not possible, Transform and Message assignment shape must run under construct shape.
Read More15 :: Tell us which Interfaces do you need to implement in a disassembling custom pipeline component?
A disassembling pipeline component receives one message on input and produces zero or more messages on output. Disassembling components are used to split interchanges of messages into individual documents. Disassembler components must implement the following interfaces:
☛ IBaseComponent.
☛ IDisassemblerComponent.
☛ IComponentUI.
☛ IPersistPropertyBag.
Read More☛ IBaseComponent.
☛ IDisassemblerComponent.
☛ IComponentUI.
☛ IPersistPropertyBag.
16 :: Tell me can we use message metadata in Orchestration?
Yes we can use message metadata in Orchestration
Read More17 :: Tell me can recursion be achieved in Orchestration?
No recursion can not be achieved in Orchestration
Read More18 :: Tell me what is persistence point?
At various points within a running orchestration the state can persist.
Read More19 :: Do you know when is convoy used?
The convoy is used to receive multiple messages in sequence or parallel to achieve a goal/result.
Read More20 :: Explain me which shapes are used to implement "AND" and "OR" situation in Orchestration?
Parallel Action shape is used for a AND situation whereas Listen shape is used for OR situation.
Read More21 :: Tell me is it possible to skip any particular orchestration from getting compiled?
Yes it is possible. You can do so by setting "Build Action" property of that orchestration to "None". By default value of this property is "BtsCompile".
Read More22 :: Tell us what is the lifecycle of a Message in BizTalk server?
A message is received through a receive location defined in a given receive port. This message is processed by the pipeline associated with the receive location, and if there are any inbound maps associated with the receive port they are executed. The resulting message is then published to the MessageBox database. The MessageBox evaluates active subscriptions and routes the message to those orchestrations, and send ports with matching subscriptions. Orchestrations may process the message and publish messages through the MessageBox to a send port where it is pushed out to its final destination.
Read More23 :: Do you know what is message metadata?
The message metadata is called Context Properties and on receiving the message, both the adapter and the pipeline will add information to the context.
Read More24 :: Tell us is it possible: Orchestration A calls another Orchestration B and vice versa?
No it is not, since it forms cyclic dependency.
Read More25 :: Explain me what is the maximum number of branches that can be used in a parallel shape?
There are no limitations on the number of branches which can be used in a parallel shape.
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