Biomedical Engineer Interview Questions And Answers

Prepare comprehensively for your Biomedical Engineer interview with our extensive list of 58 questions. These questions are specifically selected to challenge and enhance your knowledge in Biomedical Engineer. Perfect for all proficiency levels, they are key to your interview success. Access the free PDF to get all 58 questions and give yourself the best chance of acing your Biomedical Engineer interview. This resource is perfect for thorough preparation and confidence building.

58 Biomedical Engineer Questions and Answers:

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Biomedical Engineer Job Interview Questions and Answers
Biomedical Engineer Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: What is myoelectric control?

Myoelectric control uses the signals from a residual limb for the movement of the prosthetics. Myoelectric control technologies obtain signals from the skin on the limbs.
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Microarrays are matrix in the form of arrays where DNA oligonucleotides of DNA sequences are spotted. They can be used for gene expression profiling, single nucleotide polymorphism detection, detection of alternative splicing and for various other purposes. Microarrays have the capability to perform hybridization of coda with the help of probes. A microarray chip is capable to perform a large set of genetic related experiments concurrently.
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3 :: Tell me about your experiences at your previous hospital? What equipment did you work on the most?

In my experience at the previous hospital, I learned how to maintain test, calibrate, and repair the medical devices, such as electro surgical unit, defibillators, and infusion pumps.
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4 :: What is BMI?

BMI is Body Mass Index. It is a comparison of a person's height and weight. It is a person's weight divided by the square of the height. Its SI unit is kg/sq.m.
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5 :: How have you expressed enthusiasm for your career in the past?

Each day is challenging and all issues we come across are new.
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6 :: Explain what is MRI?

MRI is Magnetic Resonance Imaging. It is a medical imaging technique that gives a detailed structure of internal organs, especially soft tissues. MRI uses a strong magnetic field and generates images and models of the specified organ.
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7 :: Are you worried that remote diagnostics will replace your job? Tell me why it won't?

A remote diagnostics may assess a device's status, yet cannot rectify the issue in real world, real time.
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8 :: Explain the difference between gram positive and gram negative bacteria?

In gram staining protocol, gram positive bacteria are stained dark blue or violet. Crystal violet stain can be retained by the gram positive bacteria because of the high amount of the peptidoglycan in the cell wall. Gram-positive cell walls typically lack the outer membrane found in Gram-negative bacteria.
In gram staining protocol, gram negative bacteria do not retain crystal violet dye. Gram negative bacteria have pathogenic capability. Gram negative bacteria have cytoplasmic membrane which is not present in gram positive bacteria.
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9 :: What are the commonly used technologies in medical imaging?

Electron microscopy, Computer Tomography, radiography, thermography, nuclear medicine, fluoroscopy, ultrasound, Positron Emission Tomography and Magnetic Resonance Imaging.
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10 :: Are you at the point in your career where you are ready to write a manual for all newcomers to the field?

No. I am a newcomer to the field and have a strong desire to learn and master the field that someday I can write the manual for newcomers.
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11 :: What is a microarray?

Microarrays are arrays where DNA oligonucleotides of DNA sequences are spotted as a matrix. Microarrays are used in gene expression profiling, single nucleotide polymorphism detection, detection of alternative splicing etc. Microarrays perform hybridization of cDNA using probes. A microarray chip has the capability to perform a large set of genetic related experiments simultaneously.
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12 :: Explain the difference between retrovirus and provirus?

A retrovirus is a RNA virus which can be duplicated in a host cell using the reverse transcriptase enzyme. It can produce DNA from its RNA genome. The produced DNA is then incorporated into the host's genome by anintegrase enzyme. The RNA virus thereafter replicates as part of the host cell's DNA. Retroviruses are enveloped viruses that belong to the viral family Retroviridae.
Provirus is a virus genome which can integrate into DNA of host cell. In inactive viral infections the virus will not replicate itself but through replication of its host cell. This state can last over many host cell generations.
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13 :: Why did you choose a career as a biomedical technician?

I wanted to work in a more professional enviroment and be able to help patients in an indirect way by using the knowledge and skills I have obtained from going through school.
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14 :: Tell me what is therapeutic cloning?

In the process of cloning DNA or a part of DNA is duplicated. This process is also called somatic cell nuclear transfer. In this process embryo is utilized for cloning. Embryo comprises of stem cells which is later employed in regeneration applications. The embryonic stem cells are renewable and are pluripotent.
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15 :: What is frame shift mutation? Is this mutation similar to single-nucleotide polymorphism?

This is the type of mutation in which DNA sequence is changed due to addition and deletion of nucleotides. This mutation changes the code for amino acids. This is also called framing error or reading frame shift. This mutation will cause the reading of the codons after the mutation to code for different amino acids. No, this mutation is not similar to single-nucleotide polymorphism. In single-nucleotide polymorphism nucleotide is replaced, rather than inserted or deleted.
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16 :: What is the riskiest decision you have made? What was the situation? What happened?

I wrote a letter to my CEO asking if they would do a scholarship for me for school. I had lost my soccer scholarship due to injury so needed assistance. I was not expecting much from the letter, but his secretary called me and they awarded me a scholarship.
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17 :: What are the wave patterns seen in an EEG scan?

Wave patterns seen in an EEG scan are delta - state of sleep, theta drowsiness, alpha - relaxation, beta - active thinking and gamma. Alpha also contains a mu-rhythm
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18 :: What is a good reason to skip an inspection on a machine?

I dont think there is any good reason to skip inspection. Inspection forms a very crucial part of maintaining an instrument which is needed all the time.
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19 :: Explain what is the principle behind DNA fingerprinting?

DNA fingerprinting is the technique of genetic fingerprinting. In this technique, DNA sequence can be used for identification of an individual. The main application of DNA fingerprinting is forensics. The main principle behind behind DNA fingerprinting is Polymerase Chain Reaction. This technique is also popularly known as DNA profiling.
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20 :: What is pathogens. Name some types of pathogens?

Pathogens are those organism which feeds on other organism for their food. Pathogens can be transported through many different routes, including airborne, direct or indirect contact, sexual contact, through blood, breast milk, or other body fluids, and through the fecal-oral route. Pathogens can be used to suppress pest population. Different types of pathogens are viral, bacterial, fungal etc.
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21 :: Unfortunate things may happen, if work is needed that requires you to work a double shift, how would you handle that?

I would do that alot at my previous job. I see it as the more time hands on the more experiance.
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22 :: What are forbidden clones?

Clones refer to producing genetically identical individuals. Forbidden clones refer to clones of those cells which had immunological reactivity with self antigens. Embryonic life is eliminated from these types of clones. Such type of clones is called 'forbidden clones'.
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23 :: Do you hold or are working on any further certifications for a specific piece of equipment?

Yes, I plan to pursue a masters degree in health care administration or project management degree. I am also looking forward to be CBET certified.
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24 :: Fresh Biomedical Engineer Interview Questions:

☛ What si the self antigen for scleroderma?
☛ What is allograft?
☛ what is xenograft?
☛ What are intereferons?
☛ What is an effector cell?
☛ What is an effector response?
☛ Name the target antigen for T cell anemia.
☛ What are exogenous antigens?
☛ What is an agglutinin?
☛ Why is buprenorphine less addictive than other opioids?
☛ Which type of immunoglobin level will increase when an individual is exposed to parasite?
☛ Where do most allergic reactions occur?
☛ What is an atopy?
☛ Who are atopic individuals?
☛ Explain blood brain barrier.
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25 :: Biomedical Engineer Job Interview Question:

☛ What do you understand by the term "Bio-Technology"?
☛ What is of capacity Human brain memory ?
☛ What is Plasmid gene mutation ?
☛ What is the abbreviation of CTF-FTB?
☛ What are the different types of bio technology? Explain.
☛ What do you mean by bio ethics?
☛ What do you mean by bio-media?
☛ What is (LMO) Living Modified Organism?
☛ What is the disease caused by rota-virus?
☛ What is the disease caused by sabia virus?
☛ What is the disease caused by ebola virus?
☛ What happens when cautenous exposure occurs?
☛ How passive immunity is acquired?
☛ How is active immunity acquired?
☛ What s a toxoid?
☛ What are pathogens?
☛ Name some purified macromolecules derived from pathogens.
☛ Why purified macromolecules are used as vaccines?
☛ What is retrovirus?
☛ What is provirus?
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