Polio Eradication Officer Question:

What will it take to eradicate polio?

Polio Eradication Officer Interview Question
Polio Eradication Officer Interview Question


To stop polio we need to:
☛ Engage entire societies in the effort to reach every last child
☛ Make special plans to reach children from mobile and migrant populations, in conflict zones, or in remote regions
☛ Strengthen routine immunization, which is the best national defence against polio
☛ Improve surveillance in high-risk areas
☛ Encourage governments to reach out to the poorest people with other public services
☛ Continue to receive the highest level of political commitment from national governments and multiilateral institutions
☛ Fill the funding gap - $590 million is still required to fund activities in 2011 and 2012.

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What is polio?How is polio transmitted?