Civil Engineering Question:

What are the causes of building collapse?

Civil Engineering Interview Question
Civil Engineering Interview Question


Answer #1
The PAssage of time is one reason. Buildings also collapse due to weak foundations. Earthquakes, hurricanes and other natural disasters can also damage the structure of the buildings and cause it to collapse. Bombings or demolition of buildings is also other reasons.

Answer #2
Foundation weakness and nature of soil.

Answer #3
Presence of voids when making of concrete process, not using correct proportion of materials(cement ,sand, aggregates) and it leads to cracking of building. Further the building will collapse. Building will collapse due to higher natural disasters .

Answer #4

Answer #5
The main reason for collapse of building is to not follow the provision of designed steel for the structure like under reinforcement or over reinforcement both are the causes for the collapse of the building and another is using of bad quality of concrete and raw material for the building construction is also the another reason.

Answer #6
Week foundation

Answer #7
Week foundation and nature of soil and demolition of buildings is also other reasons

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