CAD/CAE Engineer Question:

Top Professional CAD/CAE Engineer Interview Questions:

CAD/CAE Engineer Interview Question
CAD/CAE Engineer Interview Question


☛ Draw stress-strain diagram for various materials? (Mild steel, Glass, Brittle materials Etc.)
☛ Concepts of stress and strain. (Like What is stress? Stress unit?)
☛ Stress-Strain behavior. (Elastic deformation, Plastic deformation. Etc)
☛ What is Poisson’s ratio?
☛ What is Hooke’s law?
☛ Tensile Properties. (Ductility, Toughness and resilience)
☛ What is True stress and True strain?
☛ Theories Failure? (Max Principle stress theory, Distortion theory, Etc)
☛ What is plane stress and plane strain?
☛ Why Mohr’s circle are used?
☛ All the Mechanical properties of materials
☛ What is fatigue?
☛ What is creep?
☛ What is finite element analysis? Steps in FEM analysis?
☛ What are the different types of Analysis?
☛ What are the types of Elements used in FEA?
☛ What is Volumetric strain?
☛ What is SFD and BMD? Why it is used?
☛ What is Moment of Inertia?
☛ What is Torsion? Concepts of torsion?
☛ Assumptions in Bending and Torsion theories?
☛ What is stiffness matrix?
☛ What is degree of freedom?
☛ How to draw SFD and BMD for cantiliver beam? (Important)
☛ Concepts of Heat Treatment
☛ Which is first Stress or Strain?
☛ Shear stress and Shear strain?
☛ Concept of Elongation?
☛ Types of support? (May be they will ask you to draw cantilever or Simply supported)
☛ Deflection theories?
☛ What is convergence criteria in FEM?
☛ What is Truss Element?
☛ What is Natural frequency?
☛ Draw bar element and write the stiffness matrix
☛ What is dampener?
☛ Difference between FEA and FEM?
☛ Why FEA?
☛ What is the approach of FEA?
☛ There is a cantilever beam if i heat the beam to certain temp, how much stress is developed in that body.
☛ What is Pre-Processor and Post-processor? What is analysis stage?
☛ Define node?
☛ Draw a typical three dimensional element and indicate state of stress in their positive signs.
☛ Write the standard form of finite element equation
☛ Write the stiffness matrix for the plane truss element
☛ Heat treatment concepts.
☛ Name at least four FEA popular packages.
☛ Is stress depends on material property?
☛ how many natural frequencies and mode shapes can beam has? why?
☛ what is the S-N curve?
☛ Shell plate are having How many degrees of freedom ?
☛ What is the shape function?

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