Body Builder Interview Questions And Answers

Sharpen your Body Builder interview expertise with our handpicked 80 questions. These questions will test your expertise and readiness for any Body Builder interview scenario. Ideal for candidates of all levels, this collection is a must-have for your study plan. Download the free PDF to have all 80 questions at your fingertips. This resource is designed to boost your confidence and ensure you're interview-ready.

80 Body Builder Questions and Answers:

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Body Builder Job Interview Questions and Answers
Body Builder Job Interview Questions and Answers

1 :: Tell me who are you trying to impress?

I guess you are your own harshest critic. You compare ... competition photos from one year to the next.

But then at the same time you put in all that work and you want to go and do the competitions to see where you're at, compare yourself against other best naturals in the world.
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2 :: Tell us are the basic exercises and basic workouts the best?

The basics have value, sometimes great value, but again, like strength training, building a great physique often requires more than just this. If a young, natural bodybuilder, whose structure includes poor shoulder width and easily developing glutes, does excessive squats and military presses, his shoulder width won’t improve and his glutes will become even more out of proportion to the rest of his physique.
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3 :: Tell me how do prohormones boost testosterone?

Non-prescription prohormones are the basic, raw materials a man’s body needs to produce testosterone. The following prohormones (androstenedione, androstenediol, norandrostenediol, and norandrostenedione) are close “cousins” of testosterone. From a scientific standpoint, that means they’re only one small biochemical step away from actually being testosterone.
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4 :: Tell me what is the best mass building biceps exercise?

Certainly standing barbell curl.
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5 :: What is stretching?

Stretching is extremely important before and after you work out. If you take 3-5 minutes to stretch before you work out, it will be safer, and you won’t get hurt. Those 3 minutes of stretching can save you from an injury that could keep you out of the gym for months.
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6 :: Tell us what are reps?

A rep is one full completed repetition in whatever exercise you are doing.
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7 :: Tell us what foods are inexpensive and high in protein?

☛ 1 - tuna
☛ 2 - peanut butter ( also has healthy fats)
☛ 3 - cottage cheese
☛ 4 - milk
☛ 5 - microwaveable meat
☛ 6 - Salmon
☛ 7 - turkey/chicken breast
☛ 8 - Almonds, Peanuts, Cashews
☛ 9 – Eggs
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8 :: Tell me how do I get better at doing pullups?

By doing pullups. Once you progress enough to be able to do 10 proper pull-ups, then try adding weights and doing weighted pull-ups. Pull-ups are a great exercise for your back (they are one of my favorites in addition to deadlifts).
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9 :: What is aerobic Exercise?

Prolonged, moderate-intensity work that uses up oxygen at or below the level at which your cardiorespiratory (heart-lung) system can replenish oxy-gen in the working muscles. Aerobic literally means with oxygen, and it is the only type of exercise which burns body fat to meet its energy needs. Bodybuilders engage in aerobic workouts to develop additional cardiorespiratory fitness, as well as to burn off excess body fat to achieve peak contest muscularity. Common aerobic activities in-clude running, cycling, swimming, dancing, and walk-ing. Depending on how vigorously you play them, most racquet sports can also be aerobic exercise.
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10 :: What is bodybuilding?

A type of weight training applied in con-junction with sound nutritional practices to alter the shape or form of one's body. In the context of this book, bodybuilding is a competitive sport nationally and inter-nationally in both amateur and professional categories for men, women, and mixed pairs. However, a majority of individuals use bodybuilding methods merely to lose excess body fat or build up a too thin part of the body.
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11 :: What is cholesterol?

A type of fat that, although most widely known as a "bad fat" implicated in promoting heart disease and stroke, is a vital component in the production of many hormones in the body. There are different types of cholesterol: namely, MDL and LDL (MDL being the "good" form and LDL being the "had" form).
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12 :: Tell us why do you do it?

I started training in the gym to improve sport that I was doing at school. A kid over the road started to get better vertical leap for basketball, and I was doing basketball and athletics.
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13 :: Tell us if I get stronger, won’t I automatically get bigger?

Not necessarily. Developing strength and developing muscle size can be related, can overlap, but they don’t always do so. This is confusing not only for beginning bodybuilders, but for many experienced ones as well. Unfortunately, most drug-free bodybuilders have completely bought into the concept that “If I lift more weight, I’ll have to get bigger, my muscles will have to grow.”
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14 :: Tell me is there a difference between types of creatines that are currently available?

As some people are aware, you can now find creatine on the market in three forms: phosphate, citrate, and monohydrate. My feeling is that the phosphate variety is not easily absorbed by the body and for this reason will not yield effective and substantial results. The citrate variety seemed to be catching on for a time, but again the research is sketchy here. In fact, nearly all the positive clinical studies that have been done on creatine have utilized the monohydrate form, and this is the only form that I currently recommend.
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15 :: Tell us what works best for rear delts?

The best exercise for rear delts is descending sets of bent-over dumbbell flyes. Take a weight you can do 12 reps with. Then make 3 cheated reps. Without any rest drop down a weight and take new pair of dumbbells you able to do about 10 reps with. Continue to decrease a weight set by set doing 5-10 reps until your muscles give up. Rest about 2 minutes and make one more set, following the above mentioned technique. 2 sets are sufficient.
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16 :: Tell me how do I lose weight?

Also known as cutting, you lose weight by eating less calories than your body uses throughout the day. You may have to experiment a little to find the right number for you, but try around 2500-3000 calories. While cutting you should have your diet in check so that you can maintain muscle while losing mostly fat. You will most likely lose some strength while cutting, but you cannot avoid that. It’s worth it though, still to it and you’ll be shredded in no time.
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17 :: What is progress?

Every week, try to add 5 pounds to your compound lifts without sacrificing form. Also, add weight on for your other exercises too; however, these other exercises, such as lateral raises, take time to make progress in. You may not progress every week enough to add weight, but try to. If you stop making progress, then either change your routine or your diet (or both). Either your routine hasn’t been changed in a while and your muscles have become accustomed to it or you aren’t eating enough calories in your diet (it’s much easier to progress in strength while bulking than cutting --- in fact, while cutting, your strength will most likely decline).
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18 :: Tell me how do I increase my bench press?

There are many ways to increase your bench press. Most importantly, if you gain weight, your bench will most likely go up if you are doing everything correctly. Another way is to switch up your routine. For example, you can switch to dumbbells or barbells for a month. There are many articles on this website alone that specifically focus on how to increase your bench. Just use google. Books can be written on this subject. The simplified answer is eat well, sleep, and train consistently, and your bench will go up.
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19 :: Suppose I hurt myself lifting. What should I do?

If the pain doesn't go away, you should go see your doctor and take a break from lifting.
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20 :: Suppose I cannot even do one pullup. What should I do?

Do other exercises for your back and build it up until you can. Either that, or you can have someone assist your pull-ups by pushing your feet up somewhat to lessen the load.
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21 :: What are anabolic Drugs?

Also called anabolic steroids, these are artificial male hormones that aid in nitrogen retention and thereby add to a male bodybuilder's muscle mass and strength. These drugs are not without hazardous side effects, however, and they are legally available only through a physician's prescription. Steroids are available in most gyms via the black market, but it is very danger-ous to use such unknown substances to increase muscle mass.
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22 :: What is basic Exercise?

A bodybuilding exercise which stresses the largest muscle groups of your body (e.g., the thighs, back, and/or chest), often in combination with smaller muscles. You will be able to use very heavy weights in basic exer-cises in order to build great muscle mass and physical power. Typical basic movements include squats, bench presses, and deadlifts.
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23 :: What is chinning Bar?

A bar attached high on the wall or gym ceiling, on which you can do chins, hanging leg raises, and other movements for your upper body. A chinning bar is analogous to the high bar male gymnasts use in national and international competitions.
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24 :: Tell us every bodybuilder takes steroids, right?

As professionals we can't enter the professional division and be eligible for prize money and prizes unless we have a clear drug test, and that's in and out of competition.
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25 :: Suppose I want to start bodybuilding. Guide me please on the kinds of workout, time period and the duration?

You should not start from a program for advanced bodybuilders. Begin from basic exercises such as squats, presses, chin-ups and curls. Use weights you can complete 12-15 reps with. Train not more than 3 times a week and your workout should not be longer than one hour. Eat 5-6 meals per day. Sleep at least 8 hours. Here is a simple split:
Monday: squats - 2 set of 15 reps; bench press - 2 x 12; chin-ups - 2 x max; barbell curls - 2 x 12; crunches - 3 x max.
Thursday: military press - 2 x 15; cable pressdowns - 2 x 15, barbell shrugs - 2 x 15; reverse crunches - 3 x max.
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