NHA Patrolling Question:

What makes you the best person for this job?

Highway Patrolling Interview Question
Highway Patrolling Interview Question


This is the 'why do you want to be a police officer' question-and your chance to make your case for you, the best candidate they'll meet.

Your preparation for this question should begin by identifying when you decided police work was your dream, and what created that desire. Your opening sentence should define that dream, when it happened and why.

"I always wanted to be a police officer, my dad and his dad were officers and I've always wanted to follow in their footsteps."

No matter what your reasons, make them rock solid in your mind and heart, so when you begin your answer your passion for the choice is clear.

From there show the interviewer what you've done to prepare yourself for becoming an officer. This can be done by noting specific job-related events-schooling, security jobs, volunteer work with a police department-or by noting elements of certain jobs that relate to police work and how your interest in these elements reaffirmed your decision to pursue a career in law enforcement. This last part can take some thought, but is worth it. You want to convince the interviewer that a career as a police officer is a goal you are committed to at every level of your beliefs.

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