IELTS Writing Test Question:

What is task achievement in IELTS writing task 1?

IELTS Writing Interview Question
IELTS Writing Interview Question


Thiscriterion assesses howappropriately,accuratelyand relevantlytheresponsefulfilstherequirements setoutin thetask,usingtheminimum of150words. Academic Writing Task 1 is a writingtaskwhichhasadefinedinputanda largely predictable output.Itis basicalyaninformationtransfer taskwhichrelates narrowly tothefactualcontentofan inputdiagram and notto speculated explanations thatlieoutsidethe givendata. General Training WritingTask 1isalso awritingtaskwith a largelypredictableoutputinthateach tasksetsoutthecontextandpurposeoftheleter and the functionsthecandidateshould coverinordertoachievethispurpose.

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