IBM AS400 Question:

What is difference between rename and prefix?

IBM AS400 Interview Question
IBM AS400 Interview Question


The RENAME keyword allows you to rename record formats in
an externally described file. The external name of the
record format that is to be renamed is entered as the
Ext_format parameter. The Int_format parameter is the name
of the record as it is used in the program. The external
name is replaced by this name in the program.

To rename all fields by adding a prefix, use the PREFIX

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In RPG program one file using as a PRIMARY file while running program some of the records reading twice any body know why its happening?Suppose 4 persons a, b , c , d have to go to concert which will held in 17 minutes. there is a bridge which only 2 persons at a time can cross. its night and they have only one flashlight with them. Flashlight cannot be thrown. one person should return with the flashlight

all 4 person have different speed.

a = crosses bridge in 1 min.
b = crosses bridge in 2 min.
c = crosses bridge in 5 min.
d = crosses bridge in 10 min

how can they all reach in time?

Ex- suppose a and d crosses bridge which will take 10 mins and then d returns back with a flashlight which will make 20 mins and mission is failed.?