IBM RPG400 Question:

What is difference between Bind by copy and bind by reference?

IBM RPG400 Interview Question
IBM RPG400 Interview Question


Answer #1
bind by copy: here module will static
bind by reference: here module will be dynamic.

Answer #2
Bind by copy: if you are crating a program mainpgm by using modules mod1,mod2,mod3 then the source will copied to the Mainpgm and creates the Mainpgm.the cqll( Call B and CallP ) will be static.
Always the service program will be bound to the main program by Bind By Reference. the calls( CallB or CallP) will be static.

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Suppose I have 3 jobs A B and C. I want to submit B after successful completion of A and want to submit C after successful completion of B. Without using job scheduler or job queue, how can i do that through CL program?Why we cannot call a service program? If I add a PEP can i call the service program?