Language Integrated Query (LINQ) Question:

What is Quantifiers in reference linq to Dataset?

LINQ Interview Question
LINQ Interview Question


Quantifier Operators return the Boolean value (either True or false) if some or all the elements in a sequence satisfy a condition,
Mainly two Quantifiers in linq:


Examples (vb)

"Any" to determine if any of the words in the array contain the substring

Public Sub ExampleAny()
Dim words() = {"believe", "relief", "receipt", "field"}
Dim iAfterE = words.Any(Function(w) w.Contains("ei"))
Console.WriteLine("There is a word that contains in the
list that contains 'ei': {0}", iAfterE)
End Sub

There is a word that contains in the list that contains 'ei': True

"All" to return a grouped a list of products only for categories that have all of their products in stock

Public Sub Quantifier_All_Exam()
Dim products = GetProductList()
Dim productGroups = From p In products _
Group p By p.Category Into Group _
Where (Group.All(Function(p) p.UnitsInStock > 0)) _
Select Category, ProductGroup = Group
ObjectDumper.Write(productGroups, 1)
End Sub

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