Unity 3D Developer Question:

What is DAU (Daily Active Users)?

Unity 3D Developer Interview Question
Unity 3D Developer Interview Question


The number of different players who started a session on a given day. The Unity Analytics system anchors its days on Coordinated Universal Time (UTC), so the DAU figure counts players between 0:00 UTC and 24:00 UTC, no matter which timezone they are located in. A new session is counted when a player launches your game or brings a suspended game to the foreground after 30 minutes of inactivity.

DAU includes both new and returning players.

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Consider The Snippet Below:
Class Randomgenerator : Monobehaviour
Public Float[] Randomlist;

Void Start()
Randomlist = New Float[1000000];


Void Generate()
System.random Rnd = New System.random();
For(int I=0;i }
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