Good Leader Question:

What do people most often criticize about you David?

Good Leader Interview Question
Good Leader Interview Question


There's no on-going criticism. I'm open to personal and professional growth and welcome the opportunity to improve.
One of the things that I am sometimes criticized for is being too much of a perfectionist. I tend to expect very high standards of work from myself.
I had a supervisor many years ago tell me that I was too critical of other people's work. I took that to heart, and made sure from that point forward that my analysis and suggestions are always supportive and helpful rather than critical.
From the time I was a child, I always had a hard time making presentations, in any group situation. A few years ago I took several courses in public speaking, and last year I received an award for a presentation I gave at the company's yearly executive board meeting.
If humor is appropriate, this is a good time to use it. Example: I have a teenage daughter - few things I do are okay on her radar screen.

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