Post Graduate Question:

What are the skills needed for post graduation?

Post Graduation Interview Question
Post Graduation Interview Question


A postgraduate research student needs good powers of analysis to distinguish the relevant from the irrelevant, computing skills to be able to use word-processing packages for writing up, the internet for research and statistical packages to process results. They need to be autonomous to work without supervision for much of the time, to have commitment to keep going when problems arise and problem solving to resolve these problems. They need written communication skills to write up their results. Below is the sort of the evidence you could give at interview to demonstrate that you had these skills:
☛ Writing a report on a course placement
☛ Computer Using the Internet to find information for an extended essay.
☛ Commitment duke of XYZ gold award.
☛ Autonomy planning: A student tutoring project.
☛ Solving problems: customer service work in a call center.
☛ Analyzing playing chess or poker.

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Can you tell me something about yourself?Tell me in which area are you more competent reading or in writing?