Logical Question:

There are 4 cars . They all are coming from different directions. They have to cross through one square.They all arrive at the same time. Nobody stops . still there is no clash .
note : They all are driving at a speed if 100 km/hr.
options are:
1) all cars take left
2) all cars turn right
3) two cars turn left and two turn right.
tell me the answer with reason.

Logical Interview Question
Logical Interview Question


Answer #1
All cars turn left or right.


All the cars turn through right..so that the cars will not clash with each other..since all cars are coming in the same speed there is a possible of clashing each other..but when they all turns to the same direction there may be chances to avoid the clash between the cars..

Answer #2
The answer assumes that the cars are travelling on the right side of the road and therefore their paths will not intersect when they turn right.
Try this in the UK, Australia, Japan or most of Africa and you'll have an ungodly pileup on your hands. Logic puzzles cannot make cultural assumptions. Tha's just not logical

Answer #3
Depends on the country. If the country is right-side-drive, they would need to all turn right, because if they all turn left, they would all still need to cross and crash against each other. The opposite for left-side-drive

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On the market of Covent Garden, mrs. Smith and mrs. Jones sell apples. Mrs. Jones sells her apples for two per shilling. The apples of Mrs. Smith are a bit smaller; she sells hers for three per shilling. At a certain moment, when both ladies both have the same amount of apples left, Mrs. Smith is being called away. She asks her neighbour to take care of her goods. To make everything not too complicated, Mrs. Jones simply puts all apples to one big pile, and starts selling them for two shilling per five apples. When Mrs. Smith returns the next day, all apples have been sold. But when they start dividing the money, there appears to be a shortage of seven shilling. Supposing they divide the amount equally, how much does mrs. Jones lose with this deal?A and B do a work with 5 days, A and C in 6 days, B and C in 20 days.If A do alone how many days it will take?