McDonalds Delivery Question:

Tell me what was your biggest challenge?

McDonald Food Delivery Interview Question
McDonald Food Delivery Interview Question


Great challenges can mean great achievements but they can also mean great failures! The interviewer hasn't necessarily suggested you pick a challenge that you successfully surmounted so a weaker candidate could easily be caught out here. So when you're starting to talk about a challenge you've had, remember to avoid turning it into a negative and criticizing other people's work. You want to show that you can take accountability for your actions and deal with a challenge head on, rather than saying "I can't do this" or blaming someone else.

I went through many challenges which are easy going and tough. The word 'Challenge' itself says that it's going to be tough, but I take those challenges as my building steps for my career and face with my faithful efforts in a perfect way to defeat the toughest challenges.

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