Investment Banker Question:

Tell me about a deal you've worked on?

Investment Banker Interview Question
Investment Banker Interview Question


If you have prior investment banking experience the interviewer will be much more likely to want to spend a lot of time talking about your experience in detail. The most important thing to take away here is: Do not write down deal experience on your resume unless you are very confident you understand everything that happened in the deal process (within the obvious limitations of your rank within the company). If an interviewer starts asking you questions you don't know, then it could mean the end of your interview process with that bank.

The interviewer will also want to know if you did any sort of valuation modeling for the deal. If so you'll need to really understand how the company functions (the economics of the industry, how the company makes money, how investors value the industry) and how you valued the company (DCF, multiples, etc.). Make sure you know why the company wanted to sell itself, raise debt or equity, acquire companies, or be bought by other companies. Be able to connect corporate valuation with corporate strategy.

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