Principal Question:

Principal Interview Questions Template:

Principal Interview Question
Principal Interview Question


► What do you know about our school? What are the main areas for improvement here from your point of view?
► What do you think should be the main goals of a school principal?
► If you should characterize an ideal school principal using just three words, what words would you choose?
► Why have you decided for the job of a principal? What motivates you the most to do this job?
► Do you think that the principal should also take part in daily teaching? If yes, why? If no, why not?
► How do you imagine your day in work will look like if we choose you as our principal?
► From your point of view, what should be the relationship of a principal with students?
► What are your plans in long term horizon, let's say 10 years?
► Do you have any experience with leading other people?
► Would you be able to choose teachers for this school? If yes, what will be the selection process you will use?
► From your point of view, what should be the role of technology in the process of education?
► How would you attract more students to choose our school?
► Do you have any role model in life?
► If we decide to move forward with your job application, when will you be able to start the job?
► What computer programs can you work with?
► Speaking about public relations, what activities do you think should a school do?

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