Hedge Fund Trader Question:

Investing Hedge Fund Trader Interview Questions:

Hedge Fund Trader Interview Question
Hedge Fund Trader Interview Question


☛ If you had $100,000 to invest, where would you put it?
☛ Do you have a Personal Account? What stocks do you own?
☛ Give me a long idea. Give me a short idea.
☛ How do you screen for stocks? What is your holding period?
☛ What is the Federal Funds Rate?
☛ What do you think of the economy?
☛ Where do you think interest rates are going? What is driving them?
☛ What does the yield curve look like and what does it mean?
☛ What has been happening in the market the past six months?
☛ What do you read to find out your news? Wall Street Journal? The New York Times?
☛ What is Duration? What is Convexity?
☛ What does the term delta mean? What does Alpha mean?
☛ What is meant by the term "securities lending"?

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Do you know what are the key issues that you think our fund must face?Brainteasers Hedge Fund Trader Interview Questions: