SilkTest Question:

How to close unexpected window?

SilkTest Interview Question
SilkTest Interview Question


You meant to say one more browser window (Order Request) appearing apart from original window (Order Status)?

If Order Request window is a popup.

Following code closes the active browser window if it is a popup:
[-] !(if Browser.ComboBox("#1").exists())
[ ] Browser.SetActive()
[ ] Browser.typekeys("")

If Order Request window is a Browser window.(not a popup)
You can use the following code to close unwanted Browsers(like Order Request)


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I have recently encounterd a problem using Silk Test V3. When I record selecting a Menu Item it correctly records eg. Product.File.Exit.Pick()
But when I play it back it just selects the File Menu and fails to select Exit. The File Menu is not dropped, it is just highlighted.
The application is written in Visual C++ and is running on NT 4.
A couple if the menu items to work but that is about 2 out of 15 items. I can work around the problem using the menu short cut keys but would prefer to be simulating using the mouse in some test cases. Any ideas?
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