Hardware Design Question:

Hardware Design interview questions part 1:

Hardware Design Interview Question
Hardware Design Interview Question


1. What are the various hardware design techniques?
2. What are passive components/
3. What are the various board design issues?
4. What are analog power supply systems?
5. What do you understand by overvoltage protection?
6. What is thermal management?
7. What is a breadboard?
8. What is the purpose of prototyping?
9. Explain the term dielectric absorption?
10. What do you understand by capacitor parasitic?

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Design a state machine that produce 1 at its output z. when the specified 3 bit sequence appears at its input x unless the specified 3 bit seqence 2 occur this should then disable the out put until the circuit restarted. sequence1 001 and sequence 2 011?Hardware Design interview questions part 2: