Good Effective Management Question:

Explain your management skills?

Good Effective Management Interview Question
Good Effective Management Interview Question


I'm a team member as well as a manager. I don't expect my team to go it alone; I am very much the type of person who pitches in to ensure the work gets done when needed. At the same time, however, I make sure that people are doing their role to their best ability and to find out why they might not be if things are going wrong for them. I consider myself to be very open-minded and approachable - I love hearing new ideas from my team and will try to implement them if they benefit the firm and the team as a whole. I'm a good listener and I am always ready to listen to staff when they experience problems and need help. I am highly ethical and will always ensure that my team is well briefed on accountability needs. I believe that it's important to reach consensus wherever possible, rather than laying down the law but I am not averse to using authority where it is needed, for the common good of the firm and team.

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