Data Warehouse Manager Question:

Explain what are the steps involved in creating dimensional modeling process?

Warehouse Manager Interview Question
Warehouse Manager Interview Question


The business process of the dimensional modeling includes:
Choose The Business Process:In this, 4-step design method is followed that helps to provide the usability of the dimensional model. This allows the business process to be more systematic in representation and more helpful in explaining it as well. It includes the use of Business Process Modelling Notation (BPMN) or Unified Modelling Language (UML).

Declaring The Grain:After choosing the business process, the declaration of the model comes that consists of grains. The grain of the model provides the accurate description of the dimensional model and allows the focus should be shifted there.

Identify The Dimensions:In this phase, the identification of the dimension takes place in the dimensional model. The dimensions are defined in the grain that is defined in the declaration part above. Dimensions acts as a foundation of the fact table where the data gets collected that comes under the fact.

Identify The Facts:Defining the dimensions provides a way to create a table in which the fact data can be stored. These facts are populated on the basis of the numerical figures and facts.

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