JQuery Programmer Question:

Explain the common methods of sending a request to a server?

JQuery Programmer Interview Question
JQuery Programmer Interview Question


The two most common methods of sending a request to a server are :

1. GET method : The get method is mostly used for non destructive operations. These operations get data from the server and does not change the data on it. A good example of the application of the search query to a server. In most of the cases GET will send all of the data to be sent in the form of a query string.
2. POST method : The POST method is primarily used for destructive operations. These operations can change the data on a server. A good example is a user saving an entry on a site will get the POST request. These requests are not cached by the browser. A query can be a part of a url but any data that is to be sent is done separately as post data.

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