Cardiologist Question:

Explain me will Subsequent Children Have Heart Problems?

Cardiologist Interview Question
Cardiologist Interview Question


In most families, abnormalities of the heart do not occur in siblings. In a few families, however, subsequent children may be affected. While it is inevitable that parents will be anxious about the health of their next baby, the risks are usually low. When one child has a congenital heart problem, the risk for the next pregnancy is usually between 2% and 4% (i.e. 1 in 50 to 1 in 25).

It is often possible to diagnose a major heart abnormality on an ultrasound scan carried out at around four months or later in the pregnancy. Mothers who have had a previous child with a heart problem will naturally hope that any new baby will be healthy. If they wish to have a scan in subsequent pregnancies, they will need to be referred to one of the experts in this specialised field. Such scans will usually be carried out at one of the major obstetric units in Melbourne or at the Royal Children's Hospital.

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