UX Designer Question:

Explain me what in your views is the future of UI design?

UX Designer Interview Question
UX Designer Interview Question


Keep yourself up to date with the upcoming trends in the user interface field before answering. Because it helps the employer to know how truly dedicated, passionate and knowledgeable you are in the field and how proactive you will be in your approach to stay ahead of the competitors. Therefore, learn about all the interesting buzz and hot trends in the market.

Best is to read about micro-interaction, layered interface and agnostic information flow, from what it is, how it works, what is its significance and what are their future implications. Let the employer know the level of commitment and interest you have in a user interface and how your approach as a designer is different from others.

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Tell us what is the most interesting project you have worked on?Suppose the client is upset with a particular element of design that you have done. They believe that you have not created what they asked for. How would you handle this?