Deputy General Manager(DGM) Question:

Deputy General Manager Interview Questions Regarding Managers:

Deputy General Manager Interview Question
Deputy General Manager Interview Question


► How much time do you spend in one-on-one meetings versus the time in team meetings?
► Give an example of something unexpected and how it was handled.
► How do you measure success? Where does that measurement stand now? What actions are you taking to change the measurement(s) (in the right direction)? What have those actions done to the measurement(s)?
► How does your manager measure your success?
► What is your preferred method of communication? Phone calls, e-mail, informally, in meetings, only when necessary? How much contact will I have with you?
► Why do people typically leave your team? (The best answer probably is that they were promoted, but if they're leaving the company or seeking internal transfers you may have an opportunity to drill down and find out why. This is also a subtle way to ask how long the manager has been managing people.)

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