English Curriculum Lead Question:

Curriculum Head Teacher Interview Questions:

English Curriculum Lead Interview Question
English Curriculum Lead Interview Question


► Welcome and introduction of panel members
► What do you do in order to address the specific needs of individual children in order to help them fulfil their potential?
► How would you promote and monitor educational inclusion?
► As new technology is developed how do you see the role of the teacher changing?
► What would you expect to see now in a successful teaching and learning environment?
► As you may have realised from your tour around the school, we have limitations with regard to space available. How would you develop and further improve the aspects of our curriculum that will be affected by this lack of space?
► You may have read in regular items in the press that children today do not often know where their food comes from, believing, for example, that potatoes grow on trees? If you found that to be an issue here, tell us what you might do to give our children, who come from a suburban environment, the knowledge and appreciation of our agricultural past, present and future.
► Can you tell us the benefits and disadvantages of the current regime of testing children on entry to school and at the end of Key Stages 1 and 2.
► Tell us about a recent curriculum initiative that has had an impact on your school and how you have dealt with it. This could be an external initiative or one that you have developed and chosen to lead.
► Describe to us how you would motivate Key Stage 2 boys who begin to become demotivated from and disaffected by education.

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Curriculum Lead Head Of Dept Interview Questions:Head Of Dept Curriculum Lead Interview Questions: