Aptitude Knowledge Question:

Choose which program you would re-test and state you reasons?

Aptitude Knowledge Interview Question
Aptitude Knowledge Interview Question


You are testing 2 programs and have 3 weeks to test them both. Having run all of your tests on both programs you finish testing within 2 weeks. You need to decide which of the 2 programs you would re-visit and run further tests against. Choose which program you would re-test (can choose only one!) – and state you reasons:

Program A
A Complexity Level: 2
Lines of Code: 2000
Number of tests: 100
Number of bugs found: 10
1 high severity, 3 medium & 6 low)

Program B
B Complexity Level: 2
Lines of Code: 2000
Number of tests: 100
Number of bugs found: 50 (10 high severity, 25 medium & 15 low)

Key points:
1. Different programmers wrote A and B
2. Complexity level of the programs are the same
3. Size of the programs are the same
4. Tester is the same for testing A and B
5. Number of tests run on both programs is the same
6. Number of bugs is higher in program B

Program B seems to have far more faults therefore we would be inclined to spend the further week testing Program B, as there is likely to be more bugs to find. We may also not be very confident at this point with Program B therefore we need to see our confidence increased.

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