Ruby Developer Question:

Can you explain me how Rails implements Ajax?

Ruby Developer Interview Question
Ruby Developer Interview Question


Ajax powered web page retrieves the web page from the server which is new or changed unlike other web-page where you have to refresh the page to get the latest information.

Rails triggers an Ajax Operation in following ways

☛ Some trigger fires: The trigger could be a user clicking on a link or button, the users inducing changes to the data in the field or on a form
☛ Web client calls the server: A Java-script method, XMLHttpRequest, sends data linked with the trigger to an action handler on the server. The data might be the ID of a checkbox, the whole form or the text in the entry field
☛ Server does process: The server side action handler does something with the data and retrieves an HTML fragment to the web client
☛ Client receives the response: The client side JavaScript, which Rails generates automatically, receives the HTML fragment and uses it to update a particular part of the current

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