Consultant Question:

Anaesthesia (Pain) Consultant Interview Questions:

Consultant Interview Question
Consultant Interview Question


► Tell us 3 skills you have acquired in your training which make you different.
► Is the role of psychology important in pain?
► What are the new requirements in the curriculum by the Faculty of Pain Medicine for training?
► What is the difference between a consultant and a trainee?
► Tell us about your research experience?
► Tell us about your MSc?
► Do you read any subspeciality journals?
► What have you read which changed your practice?
► What is the future of pain services in 5 to 10 years?
► Tell me about a memorable patient encounter?
► How do you measure quality in chronic pain?
► How do you now chronic pain services are value for money?
► What is the point of integrating King's, Guy's and St Thomas and KCL?
► What initiatives do you know for infection control in the wards?
► Should we ask GPs how we are doing?
► How will GP consortia change pain management?
► How do you increase patient satisfaction on the wards with regards to pain?
► How do you get nurses to improve pain scoring and assessment of pain on ward?
► What are King's values and which one of them do you identify with?

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